2ndモデルは10月より販売開始です! The 2nd model will be on sale from October!



9月下旬にスタートするJAPAN Tour2021A/Wで先行予約販売を行う予定です。





更にカッコよくなって登場するALL MY LOVING デニムトレンチコート 2ndモデルにどうぞご期待くださいませ!



The 2nd model of the denim trench coat will be on sale in October!
Pre-order sales are scheduled for JAPAN Tour 2021 A / W, which will start in late September.
In addition, advance reservations will be accepted at the official online shop in August.
We will announce this on our website and blog as soon as the details are decided!

Please look forward to the ALL MY LOVING denim trench coat 2nd model, which will be even cooler!

